Seeking innovative spellings: Babion and Murrell
Being typeset doesn't mean the spellings are uniform. Another pass looking for Babion (rather than Babione) yielded new stories, and hinted at Merrill being sometimes spelled Murrell. On which note...
Sheridan Post, 21 November 1889, page 4
Barks from the Head of the Dog
Banner Wyo., Nov. 19, 1889
Wm. Babion is engaged in mining coal for the grangers. He neither
gives nor takes any slack.
Sheridan Post, 3 July 1890, page 1
Barks from the Head of the Dog
Banner, Wyo., June 30, 1890
Kirkpatrick & Babion now have their sawmill in fine running
order and are turning out a good quality of lumber. Sawdust
always on tap.
Buffalo Bulletin, March 10, 1898
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878 - Notice for Publication
William H. Babion, of Big Horn, County
of Sheridan, State of Wyoming, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement for the purchase of the W 1/2 NW 1/4, Sec
14, & E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Section No. 15 in Township No. 52 N.,
Range No. 85 W., and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Buffalo,
Wyoming, on Saturday, the 30th day of April, 1898.
He names as witnesses: Herbert A. Coffeen and Frank C. Williams
of Sheridan, Wyoming; George Babion and Willis Spear, Jr. of Big
Horn, Wyoming. Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to file their claims
in this office on or before said 30th day of April, 1989.
P.A. Gatchell, Register
Buffalo Bulletin, 24 March 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 31 March 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 7 April 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 21 April 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 28 April 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 5 May 1898
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878 - Notice for Publication
William H. Babion of Big Horn, County of Sheridan,
State of Wyoming, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. .... for the purchase of
the w 1/2 nw 1/4 Sec 14, and e 1/2 ne 1/4
of Sec No 15, in township No 52, range No 25 west, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Buffalo,
Wyo., on Saturday, the 9th day of July, 1898.
He names as witness: Herbert A. Coffeen and Frank C.
Williams of Sheridan, Wyoming, George Babion and
Willis Spear, Jr., of Big Horn, Wyoming.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described
lands are requested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 9th day of July, 1898.
P. A. Gatchell, Register
Buffalo Bulletin, 19 May 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 26 May 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 2 June 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 9 June 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 30 June 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 4 August 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 11 August 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 28 May 1908
Mr. G. S. Babion, of this city, who has been working at the
shearing pens at Clearmont, was a caller at this office
yesterday. He reports that during the high water following
the late storm the big irrigation dam in Clear creek at
Clearmont gave way and was carried out, entailing a loss to
the owners of approximately $5,000. The ditch supplied with
water by this dam covered the U-Cross lands below Clearmont,
and of many other farmers in the lower Clear creek country,
and its loss a this time of year will be a serious drawback
to all concerned. -- Sheridan Post.
Sheridan Post, 4 August 1908, page 8
Mrs. W. P. Ray has gone to the mountains for an outing
with her old ranch neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. William Babion.
Sheridan Post, 9 October 1914, page 4
Over the County - Meade Creek
Bill Babion came down from his sawmill in the mountains Saturday
and reports a light fall of snow.
Preston Chesmore went up in the mountains a few days ago, to
work for Mr. Babion in the sawmill.
Bill Babion was branding calves Saturday.
Sheridan Post, 17 December 1915, page 6
Meade Creek
Bill Babion was a business visitor in Sheridan Thursday.
Vess Bogus, a nephew of John Blane and Mrs. Babion, is here
from his home in North Dakota to visit his relatives.
Andy Hayes, Miss Irma Babion and John Watson were among those
who attended the dance at the banner hall Friday night.
Bill Babion butchered some fine porkers Tuesday.
Sheridan Post, 19 February 1918, page 7
Meade Creek
Miss Irma Babione and John Watson were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Murdock Sunday afternoon.
Sheridan Post, 23 December 1919
William Babion, rancher from near Banner, was in the city
Buffalo News, 8 October 1925, page 5
Pumpkin Center Notes
Lawrence Burgher, of Buffalo, is teaching school at the
Babion school this winter.
Buffalo News, 29 October 1925, page 8
Barber Notes
Lawrence Burger will give a hallowe'en dance at the Babion
School House, the 31st. All are invited. Good music and
a lap supper at midnight. All show the teacher a good time.
Buffalo News, 24 December 1925, page 4
Pumpkin Center News
Mr. and Mrs. George Babion will give a dance Christmas
night at their home on Powder River. Everybody invited.
Good music and a midnight lunch. Pumpkin Center will
all be there.
Buffalo News, 25 February 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News (February 18th, 1926)
George Babion drove to Buffalo last Saturday for supplies
for his homestead, returning the next day.
Buffalo News, 4 March 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News
George Babion and Ridge Burbin will run a small bunch of cattle
on the river this summer, making the Babion homestead their
Buffalo News, 25 March 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News
Mrs. George Babion has been sick with the flu for the past ten
days at her home on Powder River. We all hope to see her up
and around soon.
Miss Myrtle and Edna Murrell called Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Saul.
Buffalo News, 29 April 1926, page 8
News from Pumpkin Center
April 24, 1926
George Babion drove to Sheridan the past week, bring Harry
Murrell and wife down to visit with his mother and will help
lamb for Al Schoonover.
Frank Burton and family have moved onto the Sam Jones homestead,
he being a brother of Mrs. George Babion.
Lawrence Burger, who has been teaching the Babion School the
past eight months, closed Friday for the vacation period.
Buffalo News, 20 May 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News
George Babion had one of his big work mares bogged in Powder
River last Saturday. Her mate is also missing. We all hope he
finds her.
Mrs. Frank Burton and Myrtle Murrell were callers at the Josh
Saul home the past week.
George Babion leaves Sunday for the Mart Hibbard ranch to start
Buffalo News, 30 September 1926, page 5
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank the many friends and my neighbors who so kindly
contributed the flowers at the funeral of my stepson, Merrill
Babion, at Sheridan on Wednesday, September 29th. George Babion.
Sheridan Post, 21 November 1889, page 4
Barks from the Head of the Dog
Banner Wyo., Nov. 19, 1889
Wm. Babion is engaged in mining coal for the grangers. He neither
gives nor takes any slack.
Sheridan Post, 3 July 1890, page 1
Barks from the Head of the Dog
Banner, Wyo., June 30, 1890
Kirkpatrick & Babion now have their sawmill in fine running
order and are turning out a good quality of lumber. Sawdust
always on tap.
Buffalo Bulletin, March 10, 1898
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878 - Notice for Publication
William H. Babion, of Big Horn, County
of Sheridan, State of Wyoming, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement for the purchase of the W 1/2 NW 1/4, Sec
14, & E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Section No. 15 in Township No. 52 N.,
Range No. 85 W., and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Buffalo,
Wyoming, on Saturday, the 30th day of April, 1898.
He names as witnesses: Herbert A. Coffeen and Frank C. Williams
of Sheridan, Wyoming; George Babion and Willis Spear, Jr. of Big
Horn, Wyoming. Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to file their claims
in this office on or before said 30th day of April, 1989.
P.A. Gatchell, Register
Buffalo Bulletin, 24 March 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 31 March 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 7 April 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 21 April 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 28 April 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 5 May 1898
Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878 - Notice for Publication
William H. Babion of Big Horn, County of Sheridan,
State of Wyoming, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. .... for the purchase of
the w 1/2 nw 1/4 Sec 14, and e 1/2 ne 1/4
of Sec No 15, in township No 52, range No 25 west, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Buffalo,
Wyo., on Saturday, the 9th day of July, 1898.
He names as witness: Herbert A. Coffeen and Frank C.
Williams of Sheridan, Wyoming, George Babion and
Willis Spear, Jr., of Big Horn, Wyoming.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described
lands are requested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 9th day of July, 1898.
P. A. Gatchell, Register
Buffalo Bulletin, 19 May 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 26 May 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 2 June 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 9 June 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 30 June 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 4 August 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 11 August 1898
Repeat of above notice.
Buffalo Bulletin, 28 May 1908
Mr. G. S. Babion, of this city, who has been working at the
shearing pens at Clearmont, was a caller at this office
yesterday. He reports that during the high water following
the late storm the big irrigation dam in Clear creek at
Clearmont gave way and was carried out, entailing a loss to
the owners of approximately $5,000. The ditch supplied with
water by this dam covered the U-Cross lands below Clearmont,
and of many other farmers in the lower Clear creek country,
and its loss a this time of year will be a serious drawback
to all concerned. -- Sheridan Post.
Sheridan Post, 4 August 1908, page 8
Mrs. W. P. Ray has gone to the mountains for an outing
with her old ranch neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. William Babion.
Sheridan Post, 9 October 1914, page 4
Over the County - Meade Creek
Bill Babion came down from his sawmill in the mountains Saturday
and reports a light fall of snow.
Preston Chesmore went up in the mountains a few days ago, to
work for Mr. Babion in the sawmill.
Bill Babion was branding calves Saturday.
Sheridan Post, 17 December 1915, page 6
Meade Creek
Bill Babion was a business visitor in Sheridan Thursday.
Vess Bogus, a nephew of John Blane and Mrs. Babion, is here
from his home in North Dakota to visit his relatives.
Andy Hayes, Miss Irma Babion and John Watson were among those
who attended the dance at the banner hall Friday night.
Bill Babion butchered some fine porkers Tuesday.
Sheridan Post, 19 February 1918, page 7
Meade Creek
Miss Irma Babione and John Watson were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Murdock Sunday afternoon.
Sheridan Post, 23 December 1919
William Babion, rancher from near Banner, was in the city
Buffalo News, 8 October 1925, page 5
Pumpkin Center Notes
Lawrence Burgher, of Buffalo, is teaching school at the
Babion school this winter.
Buffalo News, 29 October 1925, page 8
Barber Notes
Lawrence Burger will give a hallowe'en dance at the Babion
School House, the 31st. All are invited. Good music and
a lap supper at midnight. All show the teacher a good time.
Buffalo News, 24 December 1925, page 4
Pumpkin Center News
Mr. and Mrs. George Babion will give a dance Christmas
night at their home on Powder River. Everybody invited.
Good music and a midnight lunch. Pumpkin Center will
all be there.
Buffalo News, 25 February 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News (February 18th, 1926)
George Babion drove to Buffalo last Saturday for supplies
for his homestead, returning the next day.
Buffalo News, 4 March 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News
George Babion and Ridge Burbin will run a small bunch of cattle
on the river this summer, making the Babion homestead their
Buffalo News, 25 March 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News
Mrs. George Babion has been sick with the flu for the past ten
days at her home on Powder River. We all hope to see her up
and around soon.
Miss Myrtle and Edna Murrell called Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Saul.
Buffalo News, 29 April 1926, page 8
News from Pumpkin Center
April 24, 1926
George Babion drove to Sheridan the past week, bring Harry
Murrell and wife down to visit with his mother and will help
lamb for Al Schoonover.
Frank Burton and family have moved onto the Sam Jones homestead,
he being a brother of Mrs. George Babion.
Lawrence Burger, who has been teaching the Babion School the
past eight months, closed Friday for the vacation period.
Buffalo News, 20 May 1926, page 8
Pumpkin Center News
George Babion had one of his big work mares bogged in Powder
River last Saturday. Her mate is also missing. We all hope he
finds her.
Mrs. Frank Burton and Myrtle Murrell were callers at the Josh
Saul home the past week.
George Babion leaves Sunday for the Mart Hibbard ranch to start
Buffalo News, 30 September 1926, page 5
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank the many friends and my neighbors who so kindly
contributed the flowers at the funeral of my stepson, Merrill
Babion, at Sheridan on Wednesday, September 29th. George Babion.
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