Babione in Wyoming - 1911 through 1916
See earlier posts for earlier years...
Sheridan Post, 4 April 1911
W. H. Babione was in Sheridan, Saturday, from his ranch on
Meade creek.
Sheridan Post, 21 July 1911, page 4
Commissioners' Proceedings, 26 June 1911
In the list of changed assessments was W. H. Babione,
raised on first-class land, $220.00
Sheridan Post, 10 October 1911, page 8
In the list of bills audited, allowed, and certificates
of indebtedness ordered issued in payment at the October
4 Board of Commissioners meeting was W. H. Babione,
roads and bridges, 10.00.
Sheridan Post, 16 January 1912, page 12
Mainly Personal
William Babione of Mead creek, who is interested in mines
in the Big Horns, came down from the hills, Saturday, for
a brief sojourn in the valley. Mr. Babione paradoxically
reports the snows heavy but light - heavy falls lightly
packed, making progress difficult.
Sheridan Post, 26 July 1912, page 8
Commissioners' Proceedings, July 22, 1912
W. H. Babione appeared before the board complaining of the
raise in the assessment of his land and improvements.
After due consideration the board decided to change 35
acres of first-class land to second-class land and lower
the assessment $350, but made no change in the assessment
of his improvements.
No records in 1913. (But the database is still being built,
so if I remember, all of this should be revisited again later...)
Sheridan Post, 13 January 1914, page 6
Over the County, Meade Creek
(Ah, the joys of OCR: there are at least three matches on this
page, but only one was found by the computer...)
Grandma McLean returned home Friday from Babione's, where she
had been taking care of her granddaughter, Mrs. Jim Sears. [...]
Bill Babione hauled a load of wheat to the city Saturday. [...]
Miss Irma Babione, who spent her vacation with her parents,
returned to Big Horn, Wednesday, where she it attending school.
Sheridan Post, 27 January 1914, page 3
Mrs. George Babione and son, Percy, were visiting Mrs. Babione's
sister on Prairie Dog last week.
Sheridan Enterprise, 29 June 1914
City in Brief
W. H. Babione of Mead creek spent a few hours in the city
this morning.
Sheridan Enterprise, 14 August 1914, page 3
In the list of bills audited, allowed, and certificates
of indebtedness ordered issued in payment at the August
4 Board of Commissioners meeting was W. H. Babione,
roads and bridges, 188.00.
Thermopolis Record, 22 April 1915, page 8
Instead of the occasional "high noon" wedding it was midnight
or later Sunday morning when Allen S. Renie of Acme and Miss
Daisy Erma Brown of Des Moines were united in marriage.
The bride was met by the groom and Rev. J. H. Gillespie of
Sheridan, and a very few minutes later the marriage
ceremony took place aboard the Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Babione were principal witnesses. The young people will
make their home at Acme.
Sheridan Enterprise, 10 March 1916, page 7
Estray Advertisement
The following described estrays have been taken up at or
near Sheridan, Wyoming, by W. H. Babione, to-wit: One white
faced red cow about four years old. One red and white
spotted cow four years old. Each have horns and are branded
[black square, maybe the brand?] on the left shoulder and
S O left ribs, ears marked under slope left ear. Have been in
this vicinity about eight months. The owner of said animals is
unknown to this office and unless claimed on or before April 4th,
1916, they will be sold on said date at Sheridan, Wyoming, for the
benefit of the owner, when found.
Fred L. Thompson
Secretary State Board of Live Stock Commissioners
Cheyenne, Wyoming Mch3-10-17-24
Sheridan Post, 4 April 1911
W. H. Babione was in Sheridan, Saturday, from his ranch on
Meade creek.
Sheridan Post, 21 July 1911, page 4
Commissioners' Proceedings, 26 June 1911
In the list of changed assessments was W. H. Babione,
raised on first-class land, $220.00
Sheridan Post, 10 October 1911, page 8
In the list of bills audited, allowed, and certificates
of indebtedness ordered issued in payment at the October
4 Board of Commissioners meeting was W. H. Babione,
roads and bridges, 10.00.
Sheridan Post, 16 January 1912, page 12
Mainly Personal
William Babione of Mead creek, who is interested in mines
in the Big Horns, came down from the hills, Saturday, for
a brief sojourn in the valley. Mr. Babione paradoxically
reports the snows heavy but light - heavy falls lightly
packed, making progress difficult.
Sheridan Post, 26 July 1912, page 8
Commissioners' Proceedings, July 22, 1912
W. H. Babione appeared before the board complaining of the
raise in the assessment of his land and improvements.
After due consideration the board decided to change 35
acres of first-class land to second-class land and lower
the assessment $350, but made no change in the assessment
of his improvements.
No records in 1913. (But the database is still being built,
so if I remember, all of this should be revisited again later...)
Sheridan Post, 13 January 1914, page 6
Over the County, Meade Creek
(Ah, the joys of OCR: there are at least three matches on this
page, but only one was found by the computer...)
Grandma McLean returned home Friday from Babione's, where she
had been taking care of her granddaughter, Mrs. Jim Sears. [...]
Bill Babione hauled a load of wheat to the city Saturday. [...]
Miss Irma Babione, who spent her vacation with her parents,
returned to Big Horn, Wednesday, where she it attending school.
Sheridan Post, 27 January 1914, page 3
Mrs. George Babione and son, Percy, were visiting Mrs. Babione's
sister on Prairie Dog last week.
Sheridan Enterprise, 29 June 1914
City in Brief
W. H. Babione of Mead creek spent a few hours in the city
this morning.
Sheridan Enterprise, 14 August 1914, page 3
In the list of bills audited, allowed, and certificates
of indebtedness ordered issued in payment at the August
4 Board of Commissioners meeting was W. H. Babione,
roads and bridges, 188.00.
Thermopolis Record, 22 April 1915, page 8
Instead of the occasional "high noon" wedding it was midnight
or later Sunday morning when Allen S. Renie of Acme and Miss
Daisy Erma Brown of Des Moines were united in marriage.
The bride was met by the groom and Rev. J. H. Gillespie of
Sheridan, and a very few minutes later the marriage
ceremony took place aboard the Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Babione were principal witnesses. The young people will
make their home at Acme.
Sheridan Enterprise, 10 March 1916, page 7
Estray Advertisement
The following described estrays have been taken up at or
near Sheridan, Wyoming, by W. H. Babione, to-wit: One white
faced red cow about four years old. One red and white
spotted cow four years old. Each have horns and are branded
[black square, maybe the brand?] on the left shoulder and
S O left ribs, ears marked under slope left ear. Have been in
this vicinity about eight months. The owner of said animals is
unknown to this office and unless claimed on or before April 4th,
1916, they will be sold on said date at Sheridan, Wyoming, for the
benefit of the owner, when found.
Fred L. Thompson
Secretary State Board of Live Stock Commissioners
Cheyenne, Wyoming Mch3-10-17-24
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