Babione in Wyoming - January to July, 1918
See earlier messages for earlier newspaper extracts...
Sheridan Post, 8 January 1918, page 2
Meade Creek: W. H. Babione and Miss Irma went to the mountains last week where they will spend a week or ten days at the sawmill.
Meade Creekers attending the E. G. Calkin sale Thursday were C. C. Robbins, J. T. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spracklen, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Green, Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock, C. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walsner, Lee and Elmer Sams, Guy and Emmet Olson, Orr Baker and Clinton Babione.
Sheridan Post, 8 February 1918, page 2
Meade Creek: Meade Creekers shopping in Sheridan Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock and children, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Murdock and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodard, Guy Olson, Mrs. Alda Williams, Chas. Robbins, Cal Jennings, Chas. Waisner, W. H. Babione, Floy and Wesley Spracklen, Vere Duncan and John Watson.
Sheridan Post, 15 February 1918, page 3
Meade Creek: Miss Eva Johnson planned and executed a complete surprise upon her father Saturday by inviting a large company of friends and neighbors to spend the evening with him. Mr. Johnson had gone up stairs to retire when the crowd came in calling for him. Dancing and cards were enjoyed until a late hour after which refreshments were served. The guests present were Messrs. and Mesdames Chas. Walsner and children, George Murdock and sons, Jay Hinman, P. E. Olson, Joseph Woodard, Mr. and Miss Babione, Cal Jennings, Jim Enos, Lee, Elmer and Gilbert Sams, Mrs. Alda Williams and children, Misses Pearl and Thelma Green, Guy and Emmet Olson, Vere Duncan, Wayne Green, John Watson. Mrs. Johnson was assisted in the serving by Mrs. P. E. Olson and Erma Babione. The music for the dancing was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock, Misses Thelma and Pearl Green and Dawn Williams.
Sheridan Post, 1 March 1918, page 6
Meade Creek: Mrs. W. H. Babione was a visitor at Big Horn Wednesday.
A very enjoyable dancing party was given Wednesday evening by Mrs. Laurence Murdock at her home in honor of Mr. Murdock's birth anniversary. The party was a genuine surprise on the host who appeared quite "fussed" when all the guests walked in and found him in his work clothes. At midnight, Mrs. Murdock,
assisted by Mrs. W. H. Babione, Mr. Kroghan and Mrs. George Murdock, served a delicious lunch. Those participating in the pleasures of the evening were Messrs. and Mesdames P. E. Olson, W. H. Babione, Robt. Williams, J. T. Woodard, Paul Dodd, George Murdock, Misses Irma Babione, Dawn Williams, Eva Johnson, Messrs. Guy and Emmet Olson, Perry Duncan, Lee and Elmer Sams, Roscoe Barker, Steve Harper, Earl Buckingham, John Watson, Jim Enos.
Sheridan Post, 22 March 1918, page 6
Meade Creek (continued from page 3): John Watson and Clinton Babione returned home Saturday from John's homestead where they spent several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Babione, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murdock were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock.
Sheridan Post, 9 April 1918, page 3
Meade Creek (delayed): Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babione were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Green and family.
Sheridan Post, 9 April 1918, page 5
Acme People Set Pattern: A long list of names, including Geo. Babione.
Sheridan Enterprise, 7 May 1918, page 6
Banner District, $50 bonds, list of names includes W. H. Babione
Sheridan Enterprise, 31 May 1918, page 3
Banner, $10 and less, Mr. and Mrs. Babione
Sheridan Post, 11 June 1918, page 4
Meade Creek: Miss Irma Badione returned Monday from a two week visit with her sister, Mrs. Jim Sears at Arno. Miss Irma made the trip of thirty-two miles on horseback.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hurrbut, Mr. and and Mrs. Frank Spracklen, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babione and Miss Irma Babione were business visitors in Sheridan Saturday.
Sheridan Post, 2 July 1918, page 3
Meade Creek: Clinton Babione went to the mountains Thursday, returning Friday.
Sheridan Enterprise, 11 July 1918, page 1
William H. Babione is Seeking Office
William H. Babione of Banner is the first candidate to announce himself for a county office in Sheridan county. He today announced his candidacy for county commissioner for the two-year term on the Democratic ticket, subject to the primaries in August.
Mr. Babione has been a resident of Sheridan county for more than 30 years and is well and favorably known in the county.
Sheridan Enterprise, 13 July 1918, page 4
I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner for the two-year term on the Democratic ticket, subject to the primaries, August 20.
In making my announcement, I pledge myself to every view outlined by the Democratic party and to a full enforcement of the laws. (Signed)
William H. Babione,
Banner Precinct Pd J12 19 26; A 2 9 16 19
Sheridan Enterprise, 14 July 1918, page 6
Repeat of candidacy announcement.
Sheridan Enterprise, 15 July 1918, page 2
Wanted - Lady for general housework, work light, $25 per month, permanent if satisfactory. Write George Babione, Acme, Wyo.; state where I can communicate with you. 14 15 16 pd
Sheridan Enterprise, 15 July 1918, page 4
William H. Babione, who lives in the Banner district, is the only candidate up to noon today who has filed for any county office subject to the primaries of August 20th. Mr. Babione has announced his candidacy for county commissioner for the two year term on the Democratic ticket. All candidates must have filed their petitions by July 20th.
Sheridan Enterprise, 16 July 1918, page 5
Repeat of the housework advertisement.
Sheridan Post, 16 July 1918, page 8
Petitions Filed
The following named candidates have filed their petitions as required by law and paid the necessary fees.
Republicans: William Mattox, Parkman, county commissioner; Ole Mossberg, Sheridan, sheriff; U. A. C. Thomas, Sheridan, sheriff.
Democrats: Wm. H. Babione, Banner, commissioner; Barney C. Smith, Story, commissioner; James J. Withrow, Sheridan, county clerk.
Sheridan Enterprise, 19 July 1918, page 4
Repeat of candidacy announcement.
Sheridan Post, 26 July 1918, page 3
Social Gathering Honors Soldier Boy
In Which Neighbors and Friends Say Farewell
Lloyd Leech, the Recipient of Expression of Good Will of More
Than 100 People
On last Monday evening upwards of a hundred people assembled at the Leech grove, eight miles south of the city, to attend a farewell picnic in honor of Lloyd Leech who left the next day with Sheridan county's contingent of selected soldiers for Fort Riley. The event also celebrated the birthday of the young
soldier's mother, Mrs. E. S. Leech.
Games were played on the lawn until a late hour, when refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cake, fruit and candy, were served.
Those present and enjoying the gathering were: Mrs. E. S. Leech and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ball and family, Mr. and Mrs. Babione and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jennings and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leech, Mrs. C. S. Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McPhilamey and family, Mrs. Lita Marlenee and family, Mrs. S. D. Teague and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Richards and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Irwin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kitchel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennick, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Butterfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. Shafer and son, Mrs. Sackett and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sturgis, Mrs. Olive Hayes and daughters, Mrs. Spracklen and family, John Huffman, E. N. Secor, Anna Wright, Franklin Hunt, John Pfeiffer, Mary Custis, Clifford Spear, Edna Mae Wood, H. D. Moore, Enid Wright, Charles Dodge, Pearle Lavalle, Dewayne Lee, Gladys Addleman, Chas. Montgomery, Eleanor Carney, Clifford Hurst, Lulu Leech, Gouverneur Skinner, Doris Addleman, Lorraine Skinner.
Sheridan Enterprise, 26 July 1918, page 7
Repeat of candidacy announcement.
Sheridan Post, 8 January 1918, page 2
Meade Creek: W. H. Babione and Miss Irma went to the mountains last week where they will spend a week or ten days at the sawmill.
Meade Creekers attending the E. G. Calkin sale Thursday were C. C. Robbins, J. T. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spracklen, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Green, Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock, C. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walsner, Lee and Elmer Sams, Guy and Emmet Olson, Orr Baker and Clinton Babione.
Sheridan Post, 8 February 1918, page 2
Meade Creek: Meade Creekers shopping in Sheridan Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock and children, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Murdock and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodard, Guy Olson, Mrs. Alda Williams, Chas. Robbins, Cal Jennings, Chas. Waisner, W. H. Babione, Floy and Wesley Spracklen, Vere Duncan and John Watson.
Sheridan Post, 15 February 1918, page 3
Meade Creek: Miss Eva Johnson planned and executed a complete surprise upon her father Saturday by inviting a large company of friends and neighbors to spend the evening with him. Mr. Johnson had gone up stairs to retire when the crowd came in calling for him. Dancing and cards were enjoyed until a late hour after which refreshments were served. The guests present were Messrs. and Mesdames Chas. Walsner and children, George Murdock and sons, Jay Hinman, P. E. Olson, Joseph Woodard, Mr. and Miss Babione, Cal Jennings, Jim Enos, Lee, Elmer and Gilbert Sams, Mrs. Alda Williams and children, Misses Pearl and Thelma Green, Guy and Emmet Olson, Vere Duncan, Wayne Green, John Watson. Mrs. Johnson was assisted in the serving by Mrs. P. E. Olson and Erma Babione. The music for the dancing was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock, Misses Thelma and Pearl Green and Dawn Williams.
Sheridan Post, 1 March 1918, page 6
Meade Creek: Mrs. W. H. Babione was a visitor at Big Horn Wednesday.
A very enjoyable dancing party was given Wednesday evening by Mrs. Laurence Murdock at her home in honor of Mr. Murdock's birth anniversary. The party was a genuine surprise on the host who appeared quite "fussed" when all the guests walked in and found him in his work clothes. At midnight, Mrs. Murdock,
assisted by Mrs. W. H. Babione, Mr. Kroghan and Mrs. George Murdock, served a delicious lunch. Those participating in the pleasures of the evening were Messrs. and Mesdames P. E. Olson, W. H. Babione, Robt. Williams, J. T. Woodard, Paul Dodd, George Murdock, Misses Irma Babione, Dawn Williams, Eva Johnson, Messrs. Guy and Emmet Olson, Perry Duncan, Lee and Elmer Sams, Roscoe Barker, Steve Harper, Earl Buckingham, John Watson, Jim Enos.
Sheridan Post, 22 March 1918, page 6
Meade Creek (continued from page 3): John Watson and Clinton Babione returned home Saturday from John's homestead where they spent several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Babione, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murdock were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock.
Sheridan Post, 9 April 1918, page 3
Meade Creek (delayed): Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babione were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Green and family.
Sheridan Post, 9 April 1918, page 5
Acme People Set Pattern: A long list of names, including Geo. Babione.
Sheridan Enterprise, 7 May 1918, page 6
Banner District, $50 bonds, list of names includes W. H. Babione
Sheridan Enterprise, 31 May 1918, page 3
Banner, $10 and less, Mr. and Mrs. Babione
Sheridan Post, 11 June 1918, page 4
Meade Creek: Miss Irma Badione returned Monday from a two week visit with her sister, Mrs. Jim Sears at Arno. Miss Irma made the trip of thirty-two miles on horseback.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hurrbut, Mr. and and Mrs. Frank Spracklen, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Babione and Miss Irma Babione were business visitors in Sheridan Saturday.
Sheridan Post, 2 July 1918, page 3
Meade Creek: Clinton Babione went to the mountains Thursday, returning Friday.
Sheridan Enterprise, 11 July 1918, page 1
William H. Babione is Seeking Office
William H. Babione of Banner is the first candidate to announce himself for a county office in Sheridan county. He today announced his candidacy for county commissioner for the two-year term on the Democratic ticket, subject to the primaries in August.
Mr. Babione has been a resident of Sheridan county for more than 30 years and is well and favorably known in the county.
Sheridan Enterprise, 13 July 1918, page 4
I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner for the two-year term on the Democratic ticket, subject to the primaries, August 20.
In making my announcement, I pledge myself to every view outlined by the Democratic party and to a full enforcement of the laws. (Signed)
William H. Babione,
Banner Precinct Pd J12 19 26; A 2 9 16 19
Sheridan Enterprise, 14 July 1918, page 6
Repeat of candidacy announcement.
Sheridan Enterprise, 15 July 1918, page 2
Wanted - Lady for general housework, work light, $25 per month, permanent if satisfactory. Write George Babione, Acme, Wyo.; state where I can communicate with you. 14 15 16 pd
Sheridan Enterprise, 15 July 1918, page 4
William H. Babione, who lives in the Banner district, is the only candidate up to noon today who has filed for any county office subject to the primaries of August 20th. Mr. Babione has announced his candidacy for county commissioner for the two year term on the Democratic ticket. All candidates must have filed their petitions by July 20th.
Sheridan Enterprise, 16 July 1918, page 5
Repeat of the housework advertisement.
Sheridan Post, 16 July 1918, page 8
Petitions Filed
The following named candidates have filed their petitions as required by law and paid the necessary fees.
Republicans: William Mattox, Parkman, county commissioner; Ole Mossberg, Sheridan, sheriff; U. A. C. Thomas, Sheridan, sheriff.
Democrats: Wm. H. Babione, Banner, commissioner; Barney C. Smith, Story, commissioner; James J. Withrow, Sheridan, county clerk.
Sheridan Enterprise, 19 July 1918, page 4
Repeat of candidacy announcement.
Sheridan Post, 26 July 1918, page 3
Social Gathering Honors Soldier Boy
In Which Neighbors and Friends Say Farewell
Lloyd Leech, the Recipient of Expression of Good Will of More
Than 100 People
On last Monday evening upwards of a hundred people assembled at the Leech grove, eight miles south of the city, to attend a farewell picnic in honor of Lloyd Leech who left the next day with Sheridan county's contingent of selected soldiers for Fort Riley. The event also celebrated the birthday of the young
soldier's mother, Mrs. E. S. Leech.
Games were played on the lawn until a late hour, when refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cake, fruit and candy, were served.
Those present and enjoying the gathering were: Mrs. E. S. Leech and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ball and family, Mr. and Mrs. Babione and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jennings and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leech, Mrs. C. S. Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McPhilamey and family, Mrs. Lita Marlenee and family, Mrs. S. D. Teague and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Richards and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Irwin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kitchel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennick, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Butterfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. Shafer and son, Mrs. Sackett and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sturgis, Mrs. Olive Hayes and daughters, Mrs. Spracklen and family, John Huffman, E. N. Secor, Anna Wright, Franklin Hunt, John Pfeiffer, Mary Custis, Clifford Spear, Edna Mae Wood, H. D. Moore, Enid Wright, Charles Dodge, Pearle Lavalle, Dewayne Lee, Gladys Addleman, Chas. Montgomery, Eleanor Carney, Clifford Hurst, Lulu Leech, Gouverneur Skinner, Doris Addleman, Lorraine Skinner.
Sheridan Enterprise, 26 July 1918, page 7
Repeat of candidacy announcement.
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