Babione in Wyoming - 1891, 1892 and 1893
(Nothing found in 1894, 1895 and 1896.)
My grandmother's father, George Harlan "Harley" Merrill, died in the Spanish flu pandemic. His widow later married a neighbor, George S. Babione. So many of my cousins have Babione ancestry, rather than Merrill ancestry, and I keep an eye open for the name.
There are lots of results for "Babione" in the Wyoming Newspaper Project. I certainly won't have the patience to do them all at one go. Year by year may suffice.
In 1891, there is a single hit, in the April 23rd Sheridan Post. The page can be accessed here:
In the third column is a short article titled, "Banner Pick-Ups", one of which is:
Kirkpatrick & Babione will move their sawmill to Prairie Dog when they have finished sawing their logs in Bear gulch.
The single match in 1892 is also in the Sheridan Post, September 15th, here:
There's a story on the front page about the Commissioners Proceedings, having to do with the construction of roads. "In the matter of the road from the nw corner of section 16, tp. 54, N. range 84 west, to sw corner of the new 1/4 of section 20, tp. 54, N. range 84 west. The report of J. W. Curtis, viewer, was read, considered and ordered filed. The board having decided to lay out and establish this road and to extend the same 1/2 mile south; thence 1/2 mile southeast; thence about one mile south to intersect the Babione road to sawmill, all objections thereto and all claims for damages by reason thereof must be field in writing with the county clerk at or before noon of October 3, 1892, and the clerk is hereby instructed to publish notice of same as required by law."
Further down in the same column is a list of bills to be paid from the Road and Bridge fund. Included on the list is a bill from W. H. Babione, bridge plank, 7.35, which was allowed.
Sheridan Post, January 12, 1893:
A very long list of various bills considered by the County Commissioners includes one from W. H. Babione, clerk of election, for 5.40. (It was approved.)
Sheridan Post, August 10, 1893:
Another set of bills presented to the County Commissioners. This one, from Wm Babione, was for bridge lumber, 71.36, and was approved.
My grandmother's father, George Harlan "Harley" Merrill, died in the Spanish flu pandemic. His widow later married a neighbor, George S. Babione. So many of my cousins have Babione ancestry, rather than Merrill ancestry, and I keep an eye open for the name.
There are lots of results for "Babione" in the Wyoming Newspaper Project. I certainly won't have the patience to do them all at one go. Year by year may suffice.
In 1891, there is a single hit, in the April 23rd Sheridan Post. The page can be accessed here:
In the third column is a short article titled, "Banner Pick-Ups", one of which is:
Kirkpatrick & Babione will move their sawmill to Prairie Dog when they have finished sawing their logs in Bear gulch.
The single match in 1892 is also in the Sheridan Post, September 15th, here:
There's a story on the front page about the Commissioners Proceedings, having to do with the construction of roads. "In the matter of the road from the nw corner of section 16, tp. 54, N. range 84 west, to sw corner of the new 1/4 of section 20, tp. 54, N. range 84 west. The report of J. W. Curtis, viewer, was read, considered and ordered filed. The board having decided to lay out and establish this road and to extend the same 1/2 mile south; thence 1/2 mile southeast; thence about one mile south to intersect the Babione road to sawmill, all objections thereto and all claims for damages by reason thereof must be field in writing with the county clerk at or before noon of October 3, 1892, and the clerk is hereby instructed to publish notice of same as required by law."
Further down in the same column is a list of bills to be paid from the Road and Bridge fund. Included on the list is a bill from W. H. Babione, bridge plank, 7.35, which was allowed.
Sheridan Post, January 12, 1893:
A very long list of various bills considered by the County Commissioners includes one from W. H. Babione, clerk of election, for 5.40. (It was approved.)
Sheridan Post, August 10, 1893:
Another set of bills presented to the County Commissioners. This one, from Wm Babione, was for bridge lumber, 71.36, and was approved.
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