See earlier messages for earlier newspaper extracts...
Sheridan Enterprise, 8 May 1919, page 5 on Meade Creek
A reception was given Saturday evening, May 3rd, for honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Olson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Olson
on Meade creek.
In spite of inclement weather there was a large attendance, many
coming from Sheridan and Big Horn. Dancing and cards were enjoyed
until up into the small hours of the morning.
There was punch for the thirsty, candy for the sweet tooth, and
cigars for the smokers.
A delightful lunch was served at midnight and was enjoyed by all.
Many beautiful gifts were received from the bride and groom's
many friends.
Those present were Mr. and Mr.s John E. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Jennings,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Snively, Mr. and Mrs. George Murdock, Mrs. Agnes
Nielson, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Perry A. Duncan, Mrs. A. Williams and
daughters, Dawn, Emma and Ann; Lula Cornelius Ada F. Sams, Florence
Holcomb, Minnie Baker, Mr. Fay Green, Mrs. Emily Nottingham, Erma
Babione, Pearl Green, Thelma Green, Mable Sackett, Crystal Spracklen,
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Spracklen, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Henman and Mr. Henman's
father, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Murdock, Wesley Spracklen, Harold Spracklen,
Iris Duncan, Houston Duncan, Gilbert Sams, Ellery Harper, Lowell
Rogers, Elmer Sams, Jesse Duncan, Vere Duncan, Floy Spracklen, Essie
Surrena, Edward Wattenberg, Mrs. Fred Harper and daughters, Olive and
Janetta; Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Waisner
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Surrena, Bernice Spracklen, Wayne
Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Klinger, Mr. John Blane and daughter,
Dorothy; Leroy Sackett, Fred Wattenberg, Emmet Harper, Mr. and Mrs.
Aspaas, Mr. and Mrs. Zucca, Mrs. S. W. Van Stone and son, Donald;
Mrs. Johnson and son, Jack; Colin Zuzza, Katherine Zucca, Mrs. John
Bowes, Mrs. Emma Sackett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dellit, Leonora Green,
Lester Nielson, Grant Nielson, Frenchie, Steve, Earl and Fay Harper
and Earl Buckingham, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Olson and family.
Sheridan Post, 10 June 1919, page 4 of County Commissioners, Official Proceedings, June 3, 1919
The following official bonds were presented to the board, and on motion
duly made and carried approved and ordered filed, to-wit:
R. Roy Williams, A. L. Garber, J. W. Mason, Wm. H. Babione, Edwin
N. Fields, Maud F. Phillips, Jr. R. Weigand, S. D. Teague, Pierre R. R.
Whedon, school district treasurers, and M. L. Blake, county attorney.
Sheridan Post, 10 September 1919, page 6 of County Commissioners Official Proceedings, Sept. 2, 1919
Claims against the county, allowed, include:
Mrs. W. H. Babione, roads 3.00
Sheridan Post, 14 September 1919, page 8 of School Districts, 1919-1920
District 16
Mrs. Jennie Duncan, Clerk, Sheridan, Buffalo Star R.
W. H. Babione, Treasurer, Sheridan, R.F.D. No. 2
Fay Green, Director, Sheridan, R.F.D. No. 2
Sheridan Enterprise, 16 September 1919, page 9 - Housekeeper. No objection to one or two children.
Write or call Geo. Babione, Acme, Box 72.
Sheridan Enterprise, 18 September 1919, page 7 of above want ad.
Casper Daily Tribune, 19 September 1919, page 4 Mine is Located Again
Lost Cabin Diggings Moved to Middle Piney Creek in the Big Horns
(Special to the Tribune)
SHERIDAN, Wyo., Sept. 19. - The famous "Lost Cabin" mine appears to
have been discovered again, this time on a fork of Middle Piney
creek a few miles above Story postoffice in the Big Horn mountains.
Recently the fabled mine was reported to have been discovered on
the opposite side of the Big Horns, fifty miles away, and on numerous
other occasions its discovery at widely separated other points in the
range in which legend says it exists have been reported. Always,
however, further investigations has revealed that the old workings
assumed to be those of the "Lost Cabin" mine were not on a vein
of the fabulous richness accredited to the Lost Cabin.
The old workings above Story which may be the Lost Cabin mine were
found recently by Kenneth Bellows, a Sheridan mining man, and William
Babione, a ranchman residing in the vicinity who is able to testify
that no mining operations have been carried on in that district during
the last 40 years. The men came upon an old tunnel, the entrance
concealed by underbrush and the roof caved in at several points.
This extended into the mountain 50 feet. At the end were two shovels
and two picks the handles of which had almost rotted away, two
rusty kettles and a heap of mouldering cloth and bones which may be
the clothing and remains of a man but which the explorers judged to
be deer or elk bones and rotted sacking. The presence of the tools,
placed as they would have been by a person intending soon to return
and resume using them, indicates that the owner probably was prevented
by some unexpected happening from returning.
near the mouth of the old tunnel Bellows and Babione unearthed what
appeared to be the rotted remains of a tent, and on a nearby peak
they found the remains of what probably was a stone lookout, probably
used in watching for the approach of Indians. Thirty years ago near
this spot Babione picked up a human skull.
Sheridan Enterprise, 19 September 1919, page 7 of the want ad for a housekeeper.
Riverton Review, 8 October 1919, page 4 of the "Lost Cabin" mine story.
Sheridan Enterprise, 18 October 1919, page 8 in Brief
Joe Hartak and John Kuzuma, ranchers living on Mead creek, were
each fined $10 and costs, a total for the two of $44.75 for
permitting their swine to run at large to the detriment of their
neighbors' crops, the trial was in Judge Hoop's court. The
complaining witness was Mrs. William Babione.
1920 and 1921 - no matches.
Buffalo Bulletin, 14 December 1922, page 1 Made
Erma Sams, nee Babione, Sheridan, Wyoming; Fred H. Cook,
Springwillow, wyoming, Ernest F. Munell, Sheridan, Wyoming;
George W. Walker, Sussex, Wyoming; Roy Fulton, Sussex, Wyoming
Buffalo Bulletin, 10 May 1923, page 3 of the Local Land Business
Entries Made includes:
George S. Babione, of Barber Wyoming. Additional Stock-raising
homestead entry for lands in Section 22, Township 47 north of Range 73
1924 and 1925 - no matches.
Buffalo News, 14 October 1926, page 1 blog article below about Roy Merrill.
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